Teen Association of Model Railroaders (and Railfans)

The Teen Association of Model Railroaders is the oldest group for young modelers and railfans. It began in 1965. In the last years, it has changed to a largely on-line group.

You may join us by liking our page on Facebook or joining our discussion group at Google Groups — or both.
Join us on Facebook join us on Facebook
Join us on Google Groups!
Questions? E-mail us
Teens for Trains: share your photos at our affiliate!


In the years before the internet, newsletters were the lifeline of the group (and many others). Through the generosity of members, we are able to share archives of many of these:

If you have any old issues and are willing to share, please e-mail us.

Site design and contents copyright 2014-2019 Tim Vermande and Teen Association of Model Railroaders.